About your Dream Home Amelia Inspection
What to expect from your inspection.
Fast Reports
No waiting 2 or 3 days for your home inspection report. With us, you will have your report within 24 hours. In most cases, you will receive your report the same day as your inspection!
Clear, Simple Pricing
What does a home inspection cost? You don’t have to jump through hoops to find out how much you’re going to pay for gas, food or clothes. So why should it be that way for us?
Extensive Report
Color coded system tabs on every page makes it easy to navigate. The reports are easy to read and very understandable. Pictures and illustrations are included to make noted problems clear.
Modern Tools
Dream Home Amelia brings the best knowledge and education to every inspection. We stay up to date with the latest tools and technologies in the inspection industry.
Educated, Experienced, Licensed, & Insured (E.E.L.I.)
The value of a home inspection relies on the inspector’s experience, diligence, and attention to detail. Dream Home Amelia’s inspectors are each specialized and experienced in their inspection areas. Dream Home Amelia’s founder has over ten years of experience as an advanced Environmental Specialist working for Florida’s top Inspection & Investigation Bureau. Prior to that he worked physical labor in many construction fields including laying tile, installing plumbing, demolition & remodeling, rewiring, carpentry, installing solar panels, roofing, and general construction. He utilizes this experience and skill set to perform high-quality home inspections focusing on safety, structural soundness, energy efficiency, and optional cost/benefits analyses of environmental and eco-friendly options.
In addition, Dream Home Amelia teaches each of its inspectors these core values enriched with continual learning and collaborative techniques designed to provide the most insightful & thorough home inspections available in the industry.
Included in
Your Inspection

Roof coverings, drainage systems, flashings and skylights, & chimneys.
We ensure the attic is properly ventilated, check for mold and moisture, & assess the level of insulation.
This includes the exterior walkways and doors, siding, eaves and soffits, fascia, paint, & more.
We check for signs of past water damage, foundation cracking or shifting, & other costly issues.
HVAC, ducts, vents, & flues.
Heating system, thermostat location, energy source, & heating method.
Visible parts of fireplace & chimney, lintels, damper doors, & cleanout doors & frames.
Tubs, sinks, hoses, showers, & water shut-off valves.
Service drops, service masts, grounding, outlets, meters, circuit breakers, & more.
Doors, windows, floors, walls, ceilings, stairs, railings, garage doors, & more.